Capacity Building Among School Leadership – Podcast Episode 177 | Classnotes Podcast 177

Classnotes Podcast (December 11, 2017) School improvement begins with the school’s leadership. Effective, informed, committed principals who mentor and support teachers can build their capacity to evaluate student success and the skills and knowledge necessary for students to succeed. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, IDRA’s School TurnAround and Reenergizing for Success (STAARS) Leaders project is a unique model that is building a strong pipeline of principals and leadership teams in a set of low performing schools in the San Antonio school district. Their work is already showing significant transformations.

For today’s podcast episode, Dr. Nilka Avilés sat down with Dr. Joanelda De Leon, Assistant Superintendent for Turnaround Champion Schools, to talk some strategies from this principal leadership project that are taking place and the key elements that are leading to positive changes. Show length: 16:16

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The Power of Partnerships in the Pursuit of Leadership Development to Transform Schools, by Nilka Avilés, Ed.D., Joanelda De León, Ed.D., and Jesse Jay McNeil, Ed.D.

How Transformational Leaders Develop a Growth Mindset for Student Success, by Nilka Avilés, Ed.D., Gerald Sharp, M.A., and Kristin Grayson, Ph.D.

What People are Saying about IDRA’s STAARS Leaders Project

Get Better Faster: A 90-day Plan for Coaching New Teachers, by P. Bambrick-Santoyo, 2016

Leaders Turn Around Schools – Transformational Equity Focus Makes College Readiness a Priority, by Nilka Avilés, Ed.D., IDRA Newsletter

Mindset Theory: Fixed vs. Growth Mindset, Dweck, C.S. Learning Theories.

Cognitive Coaching Seminars, Thinking Collaborative

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Show Notes

  • Joanelda shares how the STARRS Leaders project has helped to develop stronger, more competent leaders; she also describes the coaching and support provided by IDRA throughout its partnership on the project.

  • Nilka and Joanelda discuss IDRA’s review of the SAISD test results, which showed that inferencing and reasoning skills needed greater focus, and the professional development that came out of these findings.

  • Joanelda talks about strategies for working with English learners, including the development of a “growth mindset.”

  • Joanelda describes the capacity building and cognitive coaching that have been provided to teachers and staff, and shares how it’s opening doors and building their confidence. She also reflects on the impact this capacity building is having at the district level.