Dr Kristin Grayson

Advancing American Indian Education – Podcast Episode 101 | Classnotes Podcast 101

Paula JohnsonClassnotes Podcast (February 13, 2012) In December, the President issued an executive order on improving American Indian and Alaska Native educational opportunities in light of the fact that these students are dropping out of school at alarming rates, that the United States has not been successful in closing achievement gaps, and many native languages are close to extinction. Recently, a consortium of federally-funded technical assistance providers west of the Mississippi came together examine some of the state of Native Americans in schools and the implications of those realities on their work particularly to ensure staff development that is provided to schools serving American Indian students is culturally responsive and appropriate.

Bradley Scott, Ph.D., director of the IDRA South Central Collaborative for Equity, is joined by Veronica Betancourt, M.A., Kristin Grayson, M.Ed., and Paula Johnson, M.A., to share their reflections from the event key insights about providing technical assistance to improve education of American Indian students.

Show length: 15:01

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There are approximately 624,000 American Indian and Alaska Native students in the U.S. K-12 system. About 93 percent attend regular public schools and 7 percent attend schools administered by the U.S. government’s Bureau of Indian Affairs, a system of 184 schools for educating  American Indian students spread over 23 states. (from Native Education 101)
The Condition of Native Education in 2011

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act Reauthorization

Executive Order 13592 — Improving American Indian and Alaska Native Educational Opportunities and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and Universities

Priorities for Improving the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) for Native American Students

Native Education 101

NIEA/NCAI National Tribal Priorities for Indian Education

American Indian Education: The Role of Tribal Education Departments

Tribal Leaders Speak: The State of Indian Education, 2010

2011 Tribal Education Departments Report

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Show Notes

  • Bradley, Kristin, Paula, and Veronica share their overall impressions from the event.

  • Kristin emphasizes that good technical assistance starts with listening and understanding the American Indian tribes’ unique cultural perspectives and concerns.

  • Paula explains the importance of conducting a needs assessment with multiple stakeholders, including the teachers. She talks about building a sense of ownership with those teachers to help them embrace the change that comes to their campuses.

  • Veronica reinforces how good listening helps lead to culturally responsive education programs that set up students to be successful.

  • Kristin talks about navigating the complexities of the education systems serving Native American students.

  • Veronica notes the parallels between the stories and challenges described by the Native American panelists and those that she and her Hispanic family faced growing up.

  • Paula stresses the urgency of beginning to collect and share good data about Native American students across the country.

  • Kristin shares her excitement about the opportunity for IDRA to “make a difference” in the lives of Native American students.