What about the Schools? Factors Contributing to Expanded State Investment in School Facilities

Marialena Rivera, Ph.D.



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Dr. Marialena Rivera, 2016 IDRA José A. Cárdenas School Finance Fellow, examined the factors contributing to expanded state investment in equitable public school facilities and how those factors can be leveraged to encourage states that make minimal investments to expand their support for facilities funding. The five case study states are Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas and Wyoming. Her study was released at a research symposium at AERA in April 2017.

See the related research publications below:

What about the Schools? Factors Contributing to Expanded State Investment in School Facilities – Executive Summary

What about the Schools? Factors Contributing to Expanded State Investment in School Facilities – Full Report

Case Study State Highlights #1: Texas

Case Study State Highlights #2: Wyoming

Case Study State Highlights #3: New Jersey

Case Study State Highlights #4: Massachusetts

Case Study State Highlights #5: Ohio

