Families & Communities

Strategies for Individual Action

School Holding Power
Strategies for Individual Action

Community Capacity

  • Work with a local community organization or PTA to engage, educate and empower all parents in your community.
  • Develop a plan of action to address dropout rate.
  • Create gatherings of parents and superintendents, convened by community-based organizations.
  • Empower parents to support laws that protect and support the equality and education of all students.

Actionable Knowledge

  • Work on information systems that produce better and more reliable data, and that enable educators to keep track of the progress of individual students and address their specific needs.
  • Commit to taking data collected to your community and ask them to come together to demand children’s education as a priority to lawmakers and school officials.

Coalition Building/Partnerships

  • Meet with other groups in the community to share your findings and strategies; engage PTAs and trustee boards in addressing the issue.
  • Build support for K-16 partnerships.
  • Promote dialogue between parents, high school teachers and staff, college officials and resource organizations about high school graduation and college attendance.

School Capacity

  • Put school holding power goals at the forefront of education meetings, emphasizing the relationship, relevance and rigor for secondary school students.
  • Press for education systems to move from goals to reality – that every student will finish high school with a diploma.
  • Do the “right thing” as a school board leader.
  • Expand and encourage parent and community stakeholder involvement in schools.

Student Engagement

  • Plant “graduation seeds” into the minds of students and commit to serving as a scaffold – a palanca for them throughout their education.
  • Make sure youth in middle school and high school are knowledgeable of all information needed to graduate from high school and go on to college.